Sometimes I wonder, how can people be so evil... I mean there are many kinds of evil... but I will talk about one in specific... the type that just doesn't care that you feel!
I mean, imagine this situation... you've been going out for a few months now, and the weekend before he tells you he loves you for the first time, and you share the most wonderful moment. All is well... you simply don't think anything can go wrong... at least not until the next weekend, but then Thursday night comes, and you try to reach him everyway possible and you just can't find him. His cell phone is off, he knows your number by heart so anywhere he is... he could call and say all is ok. But instead he decided you are not worth it, that you being worried means jack...
So, there is my point... this is the evil I am talking about... Why the fuck did he tell you he loves you, when he doesn't even care enough to call?!?! that's not love, that's manipulation, he wanted to know how you felt, so HE could feel good. He never really felt anything towards you. But he wanted to see you melt... and he got it. So now he takes you for granted... I bet many people have gone through that, but this is my first time... and since for everything there is a first time.... this was bound to happen someday...
Right now, many things go through your head, maybe he fell asleep, and his phone is on silent; maybe someone got sick and he forgot his phone at home... maybe he had an accident.... but all those possibilities seem very distant from the cruel reality... the truth is He is probably fucking someone else! ( at least that's the top thing on every girls mind when you guys do that)!
I am paranoid, over jealous, but I never show it... he will never know that was even on my mind today. No matter what happens...
But the truth is, I feel free, I feel single. Like I could just go out right now and fuck anyone... it's not like he would care anyway!